Top "Sqlps" questions

The sqlps utility starts a Windows PowerShell 2.0 session with the SQL Server PowerShell provider and cmdlets loaded and registered.

PowerShell 4 - Import-Module : The specified module 'SQLPS' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory

Previously working with PowerShell 3. Upgraded to PowerShell 4 and uninstalled it as facing error stated. Import-Module : The specified module 'SQLPS' was …

powershell import-module sqlps
Powershell Invoke-SQLCmd and SQLPS

Windows 7 workstation POSH 3.0 SS 2012 SP1 Abstract: Developer 1 cannot run Invoke-SQLCmd Developer 2 with similar SS Client tools installation can run Invoke-SQLCmd …

powershell import-module sqlps executionpolicy
Problems with RelocateFile property in the Restore-SqlDatabase cmdlet

I trying to restore a database by using the Restore-SqlDatabase cmdlet. I need to relocate the files but I'm getting …

powershell sqlps
Cannot install SQLServer module in Powershell

I try to install Powershell SQLSERVER module by executing the following command as admin (win10, 64Bit) but it fails PS …

sql-server powershell sqlps
How to connect to SQL Server LocalDB using Invoke-Sqlcmd?

I have sqlcmd.exe from both SQLServer 2008 and SQLServer 2012: PS C:\> Get-Command sqlcmd.exe Definition ---------- C:\Program Files\…

powershell sql-server-2012 localdb sqlps
SQL installed but powershell not picking up sqlps commands (like invoke-sqlcmd)

I installed ms sql server with chocolatey: choco install SQLServer2012DeveloperEditionWithSP1 -y -f -source '' …

sql-server powershell sqlps invoke-sqlcmd