Top "Sqljdbc" questions

Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server

Getting ClassNotFoundException on code: "Class.forName("");"

This is my first Java application and I'm completely inexperienced with Java and NetBeans. I have been trying to connect …

java classpath classnotfoundexception sqljdbc
ClassNotFoundException upon running JAR, no errors while running in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm just starting to build Java apps (I do have .NET experience) and I was trying to build a small …

java jar intellij-idea classnotfoundexception sqljdbc
jboss 7 AS datasource for sqlserver

I run jboss in standalone mode and have set my datasource in the standalone.xml to the following: <datasource …

jboss datasource jboss7.x sqljdbc
The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption

I used this code to create a connection to SQL Server. String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://IP:1433;" + "databaseName=db;user=db;…

java android sql sql-server sqljdbc
sqljdbc : JDBC driver sqljdbc.jar Vs sqljdbc4.jar

I have a query regarding the jars sqljdbc.jar and sqljdbc4.jar which are used to connect to MS SQL …

This driver is not configured for integrated authentication

Trying to connect my java web application with MS-SQL server using sqljdbc41 for jdk 1.8. Here is the database connection code- …

java sql-server servlets glassfish sqljdbc
Java7 sqljdbc4 - SQL error 08S01 on getConnection()

I'm trying to write a really simple GUI app for inserting some records into a database, and reading back some …

java sql-server-2008 sqljdbc
how to install jdbc driver for sql server

Hi I am new to eclipse ; I am trying to do example of nhibernate ; I downloaded sqljdbc4jar and uzipped …

pentaho local and remote connection to sql server

This is giving me headache. I just set up pentaho community edition on my laptop. I was able to connect …

sql-server sql-server-2008 jdbc pentaho sqljdbc
Issues getting JTDS driver to accept sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false?

Been using net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver as my driver from MSSQL for all my applications. I had trouble with …

java sql-server hibernate jtds sqljdbc