Top "Sqliteopenhelper" questions

SQLiteOpenHelper is a class from the Android SDK which can be used for easier handling of a SQLiteDatabase.

SQLiteOpenHelper - how is the database created?

I'm making a database application, and my program works and I've understood most of the tutorial I've been following. However, …

java android database sqlite sqliteopenhelper
Failed to read row 0, column 0 from a CursorWindow which has 0 rows, 64 columns

I sometime get this error in my logcat. Failed to read row 0, column 0 from a CursorWindow which has 0 rows, 64 columns. …

android sqlite sqliteopenhelper
"Explicit termination method 'close' not called" what's means?

03-02 04:23:07.015: E/StrictMode(1096): A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released. See for information …

android android-sqlite sqliteopenhelper
CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 requested, with a size of 1. Error - Android

I'm working on Android application and when trying to get SQLite database data as TextView (only one record in the …

java android sqlite sqliteopenhelper
SQLiteOpenHelper "onCreate" is not called? (the DB does not exist)

From a fragment I instantiate this way fmdata = new FileManagerData(getActivity()); the following class. I don't understand why onCreate() is …

android sqlite sqliteopenhelper
What is the fastest way to parse a JSON string into an SQLite table?

I'm writing an Android application which will occasionally need to download a json string of around 1MB and containing around 1000 …

android json sqlite gson sqliteopenhelper