Top "Sqliteopenhelper" questions

SQLiteOpenHelper is a class from the Android SDK which can be used for easier handling of a SQLiteDatabase.

DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated?

I'm new to the Android SQLite whole thing. This is what I have: I have db.sqlite in my assets …

android sqlite android-assets sqliteopenhelper
Concurrent writing to android database (from multiple services)?

I've a serious problem with android sqlite database and concurrent writing. For better explanations, I will give you a real …

android sqlite android-service sqliteopenhelper
How to store the audio/Video file to SQLite database in android.?

Am new to developing, am successfully store the images to database by converting the images in to bytes array and …

android sqlite android-sqlite sqliteopenhelper android-database
Android SQLite SQLiteOpenHelper IllegalStateException - DB Already Closed Error

This has been driving me crazy for a few days now. I have an android application that is pretty complex. …

android database sqlite illegalstateexception sqliteopenhelper
How can I list all the triggers of a database in sqlite?

I can not drop a trigger, but when I try to create a new one with same name — it alerts …

sqlite android-sqlite sqliteopenhelper
Why can't I use Resources.getSystem() without a Runtime error?

public class BobDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper{ private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "bob.db"; private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; public …

java android eclipse sqliteopenhelper
Android SQLiteException: Failed to change locale for db to 'en_US'

I recently updated one of my (open-source) Android apps and my users are getting an exception that I can't replicate. …

android sqlite sqliteopenhelper
SQLiteOpenHelper vs ContentProvider

I'm new to Android development. I'm trying to create an application that reads from the internal database (SQLite) and list …

android sqlite sqliteopenhelper
Backup Room database

I'm trying to backup a room database programmatically. For that, I'm simply copying the .sqlite file that contains the whole …

android sqlite android-room sqliteopenhelper android-architecture-components
Correctly open/close a database with Singleton design pattern

I am creating an application which makes a lot of interactions with a database (both read and write operations). To …

android android-sqlite android-lifecycle sqliteopenhelper