I'm connected to schema apm
Trying to execute a function and getting below error:
ERROR: user mapping not found for "postgres"
Database connection info says:
apm on postgres@PostgreSQL 9.6
psql version: PostgreSQL 9.6.3, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit
How can this error be addressed?
It means that you are trying to use foreign table and your role (in this case postgres
) does not have defined user and password for remote server.
You can add this by executing such query:
FOR postgres
SERVER remote_server_name
OPTIONS (user 'bob', password 'secret');
You can get server name for table like that:
SELECT srvname
FROM pg_foreign_table t
JOIN pg_foreign_server s ON s.oid = t.ftserver
WHERE ftrelid = 'schemaname.tablename'::regclass