SQL: How to properly check if a record exists

systempuntoout picture systempuntoout · Nov 23, 2010 · Viewed 424.6k times · Source

While reading some SQL Tuning-related documentation, I found this:


  • Counts the number of rows.
  • Often is improperly used to verify the existence of a record.

Is SELECT COUNT(*) really that bad?

What's the proper way to verify the existence of a record?


Martin Schapendonk picture Martin Schapendonk · Nov 23, 2010

It's better to use either of the following:

-- Method 1.
FROM table_name
WHERE unique_key = value;

-- Method 2.
FROM table_name
WHERE unique_key = value;

The first alternative should give you no result or one result, the second count should be zero or one.

How old is the documentation you're using? Although you've read good advice, most query optimizers in recent RDBMS's optimize SELECT COUNT(*) anyway, so while there is a difference in theory (and older databases), you shouldn't notice any difference in practice.