I created a trial account on Azure, and I deployed my database from SmarterAsp
When I run a pivot query on SmarterAsp\MyDatabase
, the results appeared in 2 seconds.
However, running the same query on Azure\MyDatabase
took 94 seconds.
I use the SQL Server 2014 Management Studio (trial) to connect to the servers and run query.
Is this difference of speed because my account is a trial account?
Some related info to my question
the query is:
ALTER procedure [dbo].[Pivot_Per_Day]
@iyear int,
@imonth int,
@iddepartment int
declare @columnName Nvarchar(max) = ''
declare @sql Nvarchar(max) =''
select @columnName += quotename(iDay) + ','
from (
Select day(idate) as iDay
from kpivalues where year(idate)=@iyear and month(idate)=@imonth
group by idate
set @columnName=left(@columnName,len(@columnName)-1)
set @sql ='
Select * from (
select kpiname, target, ivalues, convert(decimal(18,2),day(idate)) as iDay
from kpi
inner join kpivalues on kpivalues.idkpi=kpi.idkpi
inner join kpitarget on kpitarget.idkpi=kpi.idkpi
inner join departmentbscs on departmentbscs.idkpi=kpi.idkpi
where iddepartment='+convert(nvarchar(max),@iddepartment)+'
group by kpiname,target, ivalues,idate)x
for iDay in (' + @columnName + ')
) p'
execute sp_executesql @sql
Running this query on 3 different servers gave me different results in terms of Elapsed time till my pivot table appear on the screen:
Azure - Elapsed time = 100.165 sec
Smarterasp.net - Elapsed time = 2.449 sec
LocalServer - Elapsed time = 1.716 sec
Regarding my trial account on Azure, I made it with the main goal to check if I will have a better speed than Smarter when running stored procedure like the above one. I choose for my database Service Tier - Basic, Performance level -Basic(5DTUs) and Max. Size 2GB.
My database has 16 tables, 1 table has 145284 rows, and the database size is 11mb. Its a test database for my app.
My questions are:
Conclusions based on your inputs:
I tested again my query on P1 and the Elapsed time was 0.5 seconds :)
the same updated query on SmarterASP had Elapsed time 0.8 seconds.
Now its clear for me what are the tiers in Azure and how important is to have a very good query (I even understood what is an Index and his advantage/disadvantage)
Thank you all, Lucian
This is first and foremost a question of performance. You are dealing with a poorly performing code on your part and you must identify the bottleneck and address it. I'm talking about the bad 2 seconds performance now. Follow the guidelines at How to analyse SQL Server performance. Once you get this query to execute locally acceptable for a web app (less than 5 ms) then you can ask the question of porting it to Azure SQL DB. Right now your trial account is only highlighting the existing inefficiencies.
@iddepartment int
so what is it? is the iddepartment
column an int
or an nvarchar
? And why use (max)
Here is what you should do:
in the inner dynamic SQLnvarchar(max)
conversion. Make the iddepartment
and @iddertment
types matchiddepartment
and all idkpi
sHere is how to parameterize the inner SQL:
set @sql =N'
Select * from (
select kpiname, target, ivalues, convert(decimal(18,2),day(idate)) as iDay
from kpi
inner join kpivalues on kpivalues.idkpi=kpi.idkpi
inner join kpitarget on kpitarget.idkpi=kpi.idkpi
inner join departmentbscs on departmentbscs.idkpi=kpi.idkpi
where iddepartment=@iddepartment
group by kpiname,target, ivalues,idate)x
for iDay in (' +@columnName + N')
) p'
execute sp_executesql @sql, N'@iddepartment INT', @iddepartment;
The covering indexes is, by far, the most important fix. That obviously requires more info than is here present. Read Designing Indexes including all sub-chapters.
As a more general comment: this sort of queries befit columnstores more than rowstore, although I reckon the data size is, basically, tiny. Azure SQL DB supports updateable clustered columnstore indexes, you can experiment with it in anticipation of serious data size. They do require Enterprise/Development on the local box, true.