update columns values with column of another table based on condition

niceApp picture niceApp · Nov 17, 2009 · Viewed 412k times · Source

I have two tables...

table1 ( id, item, price ) values:

id | item | price
10 | book | 20  
20 | copy | 30   
30 | pen  | 10

....table2 ( id, item, price) values:

id | item | price
10 | book | 20
20 | book | 30

Now I want to:

update table1 
   set table1.Price = table2.price 
 where table1.id = table2.id
   and table1.item = table2.item.

How do I do it?


RageZ picture RageZ · Nov 17, 2009

Something like this should do it :

UPDATE table1 
   SET table1.Price = table2.price 
   FROM table1  INNER JOIN  table2 ON table1.id = table2.id

You can also try this:

UPDATE table1 
   SET price=(SELECT price FROM table2 WHERE table1.id=table2.id);