Postgres: Optimizing querying by datetime

Henley Chiu picture Henley Chiu · May 19, 2013 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I have a table that has a datetime field "updated_at". A lot of my queries will be querying on this field using range queries such as rows that have updated_at > a certain date.

I already added an index to updated_at, but most of my queries are still very slow, even when I had a limit to the number of rows return.

What else can I do to optimize queries that query on datetime fields?


Bohemian picture Bohemian · May 19, 2013

Usually database optimizers won't chose to use indexes for open-ended ranges, such a updated_at > somedate.

But, in many cases the datatime column won't exceed "now", so you can preserve the semantic of > somedate by converting the condition to a range by using between like this:

where updated_at between somedate and current_timestamp

A between predicate is much more likely to cause the optimizer to chose to use an index.

Please post if this approach improved your query’s performance.