Improving query speed: simple SELECT in big postgres table

alexdemartos picture alexdemartos · Nov 5, 2012 · Viewed 58.4k times · Source

I'm having trouble regarding speed in a SELECT query on a Postgres database.

I have a table with two integer columns as key: (int1,int2) This table has around 70 million rows.

I need to make two kind of simple SELECT queries in this environment:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE int1=X;
SELECT * FROM table WHERE int2=X;

These two selects returns around 10.000 rows each out of these 70 million. For this to work as fast as possible I thought on using two HASH indexes, one for each column. Unfortunately the results are not that good:

                                                               QUERY PLAN                                                               
 Bitmap Heap Scan on lec_sim  (cost=232.21..25054.38 rows=6565 width=36) (actual time=14.759..23339.545 rows=7871 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (lec2_id = 11782)
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on lec_sim_lec2_hash_ind  (cost=0.00..230.56 rows=6565 width=0) (actual time=13.495..13.495 rows=7871 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (lec2_id = 11782)
 Total runtime: 23342.534 ms
(5 rows)

This is an EXPLAIN ANALYZE example of one of these queries. It is taking around 23 seconds. My expectations are to get this information in less than a second.

These are some parameters of the postgres db config:

work_mem = 128MB
shared_buffers = 2GB
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
fsync = off
synchronous_commit = off
effective_cache_size = 4GB

Any help, comment or thought would be really appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


willglynn picture willglynn · Nov 5, 2012

Extracting my comments into an answer: the index lookup here was very fast -- all the time was spent retrieving the actual rows. 23 seconds / 7871 rows = 2.9 milliseconds per row, which is reasonable for retrieving data that's scattered across the disk subsystem. Seeks are slow; you can a) fit your dataset in RAM, b) buy SSDs, or c) organize your data ahead of time to minimize seeks.

PostgreSQL 9.2 has a feature called index-only scans that allows it to (usually) answer queries without accessing the table. You can combine this with the btree index property of automatically maintaining order to make this query fast. You mention int1, int2, and two floats:

CREATE INDEX sometable_int1_floats_key ON sometable (int1, float1, float2);
CREATE INDEX sometable_int2_floats_key ON sometable (int2, float1, float2);

SELECT float1,float2 FROM sometable WHERE int1=<value>; -- uses int1 index
SELECT float1,float2 FROM sometable WHERE int2=<value>; -- uses int2 index

Note also that this doesn't magically erase the disk seeks, it just moves them from query time to insert time. It also costs you storage space, since you're duplicating the data. Still, this is probably the trade-off you want.