rails scope to check if association does NOT exist

Julio G Medina picture Julio G Medina · Apr 27, 2012 · Viewed 18.2k times · Source

I am looking toward writing a scope that returns all records that do not have a particular association.


class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base    
  has_many :bars


class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base    
  belongs_to :foo

I want a scope that can find all of the Foo's that dont have any bars. It's easy to find the ones that have an association using joins, but I haven't found a way to do the opposite.


davegson picture davegson · Apr 30, 2014

Rails 4 makes this too easy :)

Foo.where.not(id: Bar.select(:foo_id).uniq)

this outputs the same query as jdoe's answer

SELECT "foos".* 
FROM "foos" 
WHERE "foos"."id" NOT IN (
  SELECT DISTINCT "bars"."foo_id"
  FROM "bars" 

And as a scope:

scope :lonely, -> { where.not(id: Bar.select(:item_id).uniq) }