Top "Scopes" questions

An OAuth Scope is a permission setting that limits the permissiveness of a given OAuth Token.

Laravel Passport Scopes

I am a bit confused on the laravel scopes part. I have a user model and table. How can I …

laravel oauth-2.0 laravel-5.3 laravel-passport scopes
How do I pass an argument to a has_many association scope in Rails 4?

Rails 4 lets you scope a has_many relationship like so: class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :orders, -> { …

ruby-on-rails associations scopes
rails scope to check if association does NOT exist

I am looking toward writing a scope that returns all records that do not have a particular association. foo.rb …

sql ruby-on-rails associations scopes
Difference between Clear-Variable and setting variable to NULL

I often use variables which are declared in the script scope to avoid problems with functions and their scopes. I …

powershell variables scopes
Autowiring request scoped beans into application scoped beans

Is it possible to autowire a request scoped bean into an application scoped bean. i.e I have a class …

spring scopes
ActiveRecord Rails 3 scope vs class method

I'm new to the new query interface of ActiveRecord so I'm still figuring things out. I was hoping someone could …

ruby-on-rails-3 activerecord class-method scopes
slack bot scope missing while making api request

I have made a slack app in which I have a bot. I have selected channels:history, channels:read, channels:…

slack-api slack scopes
How to write scope with belongs_to object?

I have the following models Models Job belongs_to :company Company has_many :jobs Right now I select all the …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 rails-activerecord scopes
Is @SessionScoped a good practice?

I've read about all the differences between the types of scope (@SessionScoped, @ViewScoped, @ApplicationScope and @RequestScope), however, I'm still facing …

jsf scopes session-scope
Getting a GET request param into an @ViewScoped bean

I have a (request-scoped) list from which the user may select a "PQ" (list of links). When clicked or otherwise …

java jsf-2 javabeans cdi scopes