Top "Sql-types" questions

What is the string length of a GUID?

I want to create a varchar column in SQL that should contain N'guid' while guid is a generated GUID by .…

.net guid varchar sql-types string-length
Using varchar(MAX) vs TEXT on SQL Server

I just read that the VARCHAR(MAX) datatype (which can store close to 2GB of char data) is the recommended …

sql-server performance text varchar sql-types
Set decimal(16, 3) for a column in Code First Approach in EF4.3

How can I do this : private decimal _SnachCount; [Required] [DataType("decimal(16 ,3)")] public decimal SnachCount { get { return _SnachCount; } set { _SnachCount = value; } } …

entity-framework ef-code-first sql-types
Decimal(19,4) or Decimal(19.2) - which should I use?

This sounds like a silly question, but I've noticed that in a lot of table designs for e-commerce related projects …

sql sql-server tsql sql-types
Invalid data type while using user defined table type

I'm new to table-valued parameter in SQL Server 2008. I tried to make user-defined table with query USE [DB_user] GO …

sql sql-server database stored-procedures sql-types
SQL Converting Column type from float to varchar

I'm trying to change the datatype in a column in a table from Float (null) to Varchar(25) (null). The largest …

sql sql-server copy sql-types
MySQL alter table - changing a TINYINT to a SMALLINT

I have the following database with two tables (excuse my ugly format): TABLE_A : Id TINYINT, PRIMARY KEY (Id) TABLE_…

mysql key alter sql-types
SQL function return-type: TABLE vs SETOF records

What's the difference between a function that returns TABLE vs SETOF records, all else equal. CREATE FUNCTION events_by_type_1(…

sql postgresql return-type sql-function sql-types