Top "Sql-to-linq-conversion" questions

Use this tag for questions related to the conversion of SQL statements into LINQ statements.

Linq union usage?

Sql: SELECT date,total_usage_T1 as TotalUsageValue,'T1' as UsageType FROM TblSayacOkumalari UNION ALL SELECT date,total_usage_…

c# sql linq sql-to-linq-conversion
SQL LIKE in Linq

Before adding this question, I did search on stackoverflow for similar ones but I couldnt find. Most of the questions …

c# .net linq tsql sql-to-linq-conversion
convert sql to linq

I am trying to implement a Filter by Date on my hotel reservation project. Could somebody help me please to …

c# sql linq linq-to-sql sql-to-linq-conversion
LINQ with Group By and Having Clause with Min(string)

There are examples with group by - having count or select minimum date with linq on the web but I …

c# sql linq having-clause sql-to-linq-conversion
Convert SQL to Linq where there is in clause

I would like to know how to convert SQL query listed below into LINQ query in VB. SELECT FacilityID FROM …

sql linq linq-to-sql sql-to-linq-conversion