how to connect to SQL Server with SQuirreL SQL from non domain registered Linux box?

gtludwig picture gtludwig · Feb 8, 2012 · Viewed 76.2k times · Source

I need to connect to a SQL 2008 R2 Server from my Linux box that's not registered in my company's domain. I'm trying to use SQuirreL SQL version 3.2.1. I downloaded Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0 and assigned it to SQuirreL on the Drivers tab.

Now, when I try to create an Alias on SQuirreL, I select the SQL Server driver and adjust the URL. For credentials I use my domain registered username and password.

When I try to test the connection, I always get the same error:

<"database-name">: Logon failure for user '<"domain">\<"domain-user">'.

How can I get this working? Thanks in advance!


gtludwig picture gtludwig · Jan 21, 2013

I got rid of Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver and downloaded jTDS driver. I tweaked a bit with it until I finally got a successful connection. The correct connection string was:
