Top "Sql-parametrized-query" questions

Python MYSQL update statement

I'm trying to get this Python MYSQL update statement correct(With Variables): cursor.execute ("UPDATE tblTableName SET Year=%s" % Year ", …

python mysql mysql-python sql-parametrized-query
In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query?

In PHP, when accessing MySQL database with PDO with parametrized query, how can you check the final query (after having …

php mysql pdo sql-parametrized-query
How do I create a parameterized SQL query? Why Should I?

I've heard that "everyone" is using parameterized SQL queries to protect against SQL injection attacks without having to vailidate every …

sql sql-parametrized-query
java - Multipile update statements in MySql

so I have a software which basically downloads 1.5K game server address from my MySQL db. It then pings all …

java mysql jdbc sql-update sql-parametrized-query
What characters need to be escaped in a Sql Server LIKE query

The LIKE operator in a SQL server query can be very useful to match custom patterns. However sometimes the need …

c# sql-server sql-parametrized-query