An ORDER BY clause in SQL specifies that a SQL SELECT statement returns a result set with the rows being sorted by the values of one or more columns.
My SQL looks something like this: SELECT CompanyName , LastName , FirstName FROM ... JOIN ... ORDER BY CompanyName , LastName , FirstName Now the problem …
sql sql-order-by coalesceI need to order rows in MySQL and assign a number to each row according to that order. ORDER BY …
mysql sql sql-order-by rank row-numberI have a rails app: user has_many :projects user has_many :tasks, :through => :projects project has_many :tasks …
ruby-on-rails-3 activerecord sql-order-by distinct-onI've the following MS SQL stored procedure. I need to sort the results without using dynamic SQL and sp_executesql …
sql-server tsql sql-order-by dynamic-sqlHere is my query (SELECT * FROM `jokes` WHERE `flags` < 5 AND (`title` LIKE "%only three doors%" OR `joke` LIKE "%only …
mysql select sql-order-by unionI have a query that i use on MySQL database that order the result casting a char database field to …
sql-order-by firebird firebird2.5I am using ormlite in my recent android project. I want to order by on a query on multiple columns …
android sql-order-by ormliteIs there an easy way to order MySQL results respectively by WHERE id IN (...) clause? Example: SELECT * FROM articles WHERE …
mysql sql-order-by in-clauseI have an Oracle 10g DB and have a VARCHAR2 (2000 Character) column lets name it TEST which can contain numbers …
oracle sql-order-by varchar2I would like to write a MERGE statement to pick TOP 10 rows from a large table by using ORDER BY …
sql-server sql-order-by merge-statement