Top "Sql-execution-plan" questions

A execution, or query plan, is the breakdown of steps the database engine uses to get a result.

Faster way to delete matching rows?

I'm a relative novice when it comes to databases. We are using MySQL and I'm currently trying to speed up …

mysql performance sql-delete sql-execution-plan
How to Clear down Query Execution Statistics in SQL Server 2005/2008

Based on getting Query Execution Statistics using this extremely useful piece of SQL obtained from this post Most Executed Stored …

sql sql-server performance statistics sql-execution-plan
Reset SQL Server execution plan

I've looked all over for this command....what's the command to reset the SQL Server's execution plan?

sql-server sql-execution-plan
Use Hints for views?

I have a view and I want to query my view like that to hint some index from a base …

oracle optimization indexing sql-execution-plan hints
What "Clustered Index Scan (Clustered)" means on SQL Server execution plan?

I have a query that fails to execute with "Could not allocate a new page for database 'TEMPDB' because of …

sql sql-server sql-execution-plan
Measure time of query in Mongo

How can I measure execution time of query in MongoDB ? I found Mongo-hacker plugin but it looks like it measure …

mongodb time sql-execution-plan
Why is this an Index Scan and not a Index Seek?

Here's the query: SELECT top 100 a.LocationId, b.SearchQuery, b.SearchRank FROM dbo.Locations a INNER JOIN dbo.LocationCache b …

performance tsql sql-server-2008 indexing sql-execution-plan
SQL poor stored procedure execution plan performance - parameter sniffing

I have a stored procedure that accepts a date input that is later set to the current date if no …

sql sql-server tsql sql-execution-plan parameter-sniffing
How can I see the SQL execution plan in Oracle?

I'm learning about database indexes right now, and I'm trying to understand the efficiency of using them. I'd like to …

oracle sqlplus sql-execution-plan
SQL Server: Table-valued Functions vs. Stored Procedures

I have been doing a lot of reading up on execution plans and the problems of dynamic parameters in stored …

sql-server function stored-procedures sql-execution-plan