Top "Sql-drop" questions

`DROP` is a keyword in sql.

SQL Server: drop table cascade equivalent?

In oracle, to drop all tables and constraints you would type something like DROP TABLE myTable CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE; and …

sql sql-server cascade database-table sql-drop
MySQL bulk drop table where table like?

DROP TABLE ( SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE table_schema = 'myDatabase' AND table_name LIKE BINARY 'del%'); …

mysql sql-drop
How to drop all NOT NULL constraints from a PostgreSQL table in one go

Is it possible to drop all NOT NULL constraints from a table in one go? I have a big table …

sql postgresql constraints sql-drop notnull
SQL drop table and re-create and keep data

On our original design we screwed up a foreign key constraint in our table. Now that the table is full …

sql sql-server foreign-keys sql-drop
How to drop a list of SQL Server tables, ignoring constraints?

I have a list of half a dozen MSSQL 2008 tables that I would like to remove at once from my …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 sql-drop
DROP TABLE fails for temp table

I have a client application that creates a temp table, the performs a bulk insert into the temp table, then …

sql-server temp-tables sql-drop
SQLite Drop and Recreate Table

How do I drop and recreate a table with updated information? For example; I have a table in my application …

android sqlite sql-drop
How to drop multiple databases in SQL Server

Just to clarify, ths isn't really a question, more some help for people like me who were looking for an …

database tsql sql-drop
Delete, Truncate or Drop to clean out a table in MySQL

I am attempting to clean out a table but not get rid of the actual structure of the table. I …

mysql sql-delete sql-drop
Can you DROP TABLE IF EXISTS by specifying database name with table?

I am trying to drop a table in a database with the following query statement: mysql_query('DROP TABLE IF …

php mysql sql-drop