Spring Scheduled Task running in clustered environment

user3131879 picture user3131879 · Jul 8, 2015 · Viewed 84.1k times · Source

I am writing an application that has a cron job that executes every 60 seconds. The application is configured to scale when required onto multiple instances. I only want to execute the task on 1 instance every 60 seconds (On any node). Out of the box I can not find a solution to this and I am surprised it has not been asked multiple times before. I am using Spring 4.1.6.

        <task:scheduled ref="beanName" method="execute" cron="0/60 * * * * *"/>


Lukas picture Lukas · Dec 25, 2016

There is a ShedLock project that serves exactly this purpose. You just annotate tasks which should be locked when executed

@Scheduled( ... )
@SchedulerLock(name = "scheduledTaskName")
public void scheduledTask() {
   // do something

Configure Spring and a LockProvider

@EnableSchedulerLock(defaultLockAtMostFor = "10m")
class MySpringConfiguration {
    public LockProvider lockProvider(DataSource dataSource) {
       return new JdbcTemplateLockProvider(dataSource);