Spring DBUnit provides integration between the Spring testing framework and the popular DBUnit project.
How do I configure my Spring Boot application so that when I run unit tests it will use in-memory database …
spring spring-boot spring-data spring-test spring-test-dbunitAs far as I understand, TestExecutionListeners act like @BeforeClass methods in JUnit. What I don't understand is why I need …
spring spring-test spring-test-dbunitIs it possible to set the table schema name when using @DatabaseSetup annotation from Spring Test DBUnit? Currently I'm using …
java dbunit spring-test-dbunitI am trying to delete only those records I inserted using the @DatabaseSetup annotation. My test looks like this: @Test @…
dbunit spring-test-dbunitI configured my test environment via java config. At my test I need some data upfront to run it, but …
java spring dbunit spring-test-dbunit