Top "Split" questions

Use this tag for questions about separating an item (e.g. a string) into parts, often by a delimiter or regular expression.

Best way to split a vector into two smaller arrays?

What I'm trying to do: I am trying to split a vector into two separate arrays. The current int vector …

c++ split fstream stdvector
QString Splitting

I have these url strings file:///home/we/Pictures/neededWord/3193_n.jpg file:///home/smes/Pictures/neededWord/jds_22.png file:///…

qt qt4 split qstring
How to change size of split screen emacs windows?

I have emacs split horizontally - on top I'm editing Perl code, the bottom is the shell. By default emacs …

emacs split size screen
Split column into multiple rows in Postgres

Suppose I have a table like this: subject | flag ----------------+------ this is a test | 2 subject is of type text, …

sql postgresql split set-returning-functions
Does XSLT have a Split() function?

I have a string in a node and I'd like to split the string on '?' and return the …

.net xml xslt split
How to split a video using FFMPEG so that each chunk starts with a key frame?

We need to split a large live WMV video feed in small chunks all of the same size. We made …

video ffmpeg split keyframe
Lua need to split at comma

I've googled and I'm just not getting it. Seems like such a simple function, but of course Lua doesn't have …

lua split match
How to split array into two arrays in C

Say i have an array in C int array[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6} how could I split this into {1,2,3} and {4,5,6} Would this be possible …

c arrays split memcpy
Why is StringTokenizer deprecated?

The Java documentation doesn't seem to mention anything about deprecation for StringTokenizer, yet I keep hearing about how it was …

java string split deprecated stringtokenizer
How can I split by 1 or more occurrences of a delimiter in Python?

I have a formatted string from a log file, which looks like: >>> a="test result" That is, …

python string split delimiter