Top "Splat" questions

The `*` operator as used in Ruby.

proper name for python * operator?

What is the correct name for operator *, as in function(*args)? unpack, unzip, something else?

python operators splat
What does a double * (splat) operator do

Have you seen a function declared like this? def foo a, **b ... end I understand that a single * is the …

ruby splat
What does the (unary) * operator do in this Ruby code?

Given the Ruby code line = "first_name=mickey;last_name=mouse;country=usa" record = Hash[*line.split(/=|;/)] I understand everything …

ruby operators splat
What does the * (star) mean in Ruby?

Possible Duplicate: What is the * operator doing to this string in Ruby Probably there is answer for that elsewhere, but …

ruby splat
Hash Destructuring

You can destructure an array by using the splat operator. def foo(arg1, arg2, arg3) #...Do Stuff... end array = ['arg2…

ruby hash splat
What does the * (asterisk) symbol do near a function argument and how to use that in others scenarios?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I would like to know what means the presence of a * operator near …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 arguments splat