Spinner is a widget that allows the user to select an item from a group, like a dropdown list.
I got a Spinner element which I populate with data from a Cursor using a SimpleCursorAdapter. Also I'm using setViewBinder …
android android-layout spinner android-viewbinderI have a spinner like the image below; How can I remove the gap on the left x between the …
android android-layout spinner android-spinnerI have a spinner, which is populated using below code, I want to get the item selected by user from …
android spinner android-spinner simpleadapterI need to set the drop down arrow closer to its emitting text element in Spinner. How can achieve this? &…
android spinner android-spinnerI have a Spinner, and put the selected item in the body of a mail. this is my code: @Override …
java android nullpointerexception spinner getselectionI have a spinner which currently obscures some text below the spinner when opened. I need to limit the maximum …
android height spinnerOk so I am having a issue with my spinner. Its being populated with data pulled from a webservice. The …
android spinner android-arrayadapterWhen loading data into my Fragments I would would like to have an indeterminate spinner in the middle of the …
android spinner progressdialog android-fragments android-3.0-honeycombI tried to dynamically change the width of a spinner with the code below, but I get an error message. …
android dynamic width spinner layoutparamsI have some problems with the spinner. Depending of my dates, I must add to a TableRow a TextView with …
android spinner tablerow