Top "Specflow" questions

SpecFlow is a Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) tool for .NET.

No Colours in Specflow Feature Files on Visual Studio

I have the latest version of SpecFlow installed, and still the feature files display uncoloured, like so... (Not enough rep …

c# .net visual-studio specflow gherkin
Error with specflow in visual studio 2012 with <unitTestProvider>

I am using selenium, Specflow and nUnit to run automated tests with visual studio. The code was working with visual …

unit-testing selenium visual-studio-2012 specflow build-error
Specflow: Specifying multiple scenarios per feature

Going through SpecFlow docs, I'm trying to figure out if my perception is wrong. I would like to specify several …

c# bdd specflow gherkin
BDD, SpecFlow and Gherkin all together

I have heard of BDD (Behavior Driven Development) just recently, and I liked the idea. since I work mainly with …

c# .net bdd specflow gherkin
Specflow calling steps within steps causes "No matching step definition" error

I am following the technique outlined here using a step defined like [Given("some base scenario has happened")] public void …

Optional parameters with Specflow

How do I best handle the fact that many of my steps should take 0, 1 or even 2 dates as "first parameters"? …

c# bdd specflow
Specflow custom tool error when adding "Examples:"

I have this specification: Feature: Homepage As a webiste user I want to see a pretty homepage Scenario: Homepage Display …

visual-studio-2015 specflow
Nunit Framework vs SpecFlow Framework

I am new to NUnit and confused with the SpecFlow Testing Framework and NUnit Testing Framework. The existing project uses …

c# nunit specflow
SpecFlow Re-usable step definitions

Is there a way to have SpecFlow reuse Step Definitions? In other tools I have used a GivenWhenThen base class …

c# bdd specflow
Where is the Visual Studio 'Test Explorer' Output located? Is it a saved file?

I'm using SpecFlow for unit testing in Visual Studio 2013, and when I run tests from the Test Explorer window, there …

c# visual-studio specflow test-explorer