Top "Space" questions


Javascript - Removing spaces on paste

I have an input text field with a maxlength of 10. The field is for Australian phone numbers (10 digits). Phone numbers …

javascript html css space paste
could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left on device

I am executing PostgreSQL functions to update a table which has a huge amount of data and the update happens …

performance postgresql space tablespace
Replace Line Feed with a Space in unix shell script

I have a text file containing some records. Each record is splitted in 4 rows (not always 4), like the example: ---- …

shell unix replace space linefeed
How to remove extra returns and spaces in a string by regex?

I convert a HTML code to plain text.But there are many extra returns and spaces.How to remove them?

c# regex return space
The X angle between two 3D vectors?

I have two 3D vectors called A and B that both only have a 3D position. I know how to …

vector geometry coordinates space angle
Using echo without trailing space in DOS

I noticed that when I use echo to print something to a file in DOS, a space is appended to …

echo dos space
how to change size of navigation view menu items and text?? How to change space between menu?

I am making a sliding menu. I have successfully created a navigation drawer and menu items inside the navigation view …

java android space navigationview
SystemInfo - Get computer System Model via CMD - Extra spaces bug

I'm trying to get a Computer System Model type via Batch file. for this i've created this script: systeminfo | find "…

batch-file space extra sysinfo
Right aligned UITextField spacebar does not advance cursor in iOS 7

In my iPad app, I noticed different behavior between iOS 6 and iOS 7 with UITextFields. I create the UITextField as follows: …

ios objective-c ios7 uitextfield space
golang accepting input with spaces

I'm just starting with GO and I understand that SCANF uses spaces as a separator in GO. fmt.Scanf("%s",&…

input go space