Top "Space-complexity" questions

The space complexity of an algorithm quantifies the amount of memory taken by an algorithm to run as a function of the size of the input to the problem.

Bloom Filter Implementation

Using Bloom filter, we will be getting space optimization. The cassandra framework also has an implementation of Bloom Filter. But …

java algorithm data-structures space-complexity bloom-filter
Triplet whose sum in range (1,2)

Given n positive real numbers in an array, find whether there exists a triplet among this set such that, the …

arrays algorithm math time-complexity space-complexity
Space Complexity of an array?

I have an array of size N, and N is <=200. What would be the space complexity here. O(1) or (…

java space-complexity
Space complexity of recursive algorithm

I was asked at an interview, the efficient way to solve a problem checking for pallindrome. Now i can do …

What is the space complexity of a recursive fibonacci algorithm?

This is the recursive implementation of the Fibonacci sequence from Cracking the Coding Interview (5th Edition) int fibonacci(int i) { …

java algorithm recursion time-complexity space-complexity
Tutorial on space complexity of algorithms

Possible Duplicate: Plain English explanation of Big O I have always struggled to calculate the Big-O time and space complexity …

algorithm analysis space-complexity
Finding contiguous ranges in arrays

You are given an array of integers. You have to output the largest range so that all numbers in the …

arrays algorithm time-complexity space-complexity
HashMap Space Complexity

Here's a sample solution for "Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node" puzzle: Populate each next pointer to point to …

java algorithm hashmap big-o space-complexity
Time complexity versus space complexity in Turing machines

I think defenitions of time complexity and space complexity for Turing machines are identical and I can't differentiate between them. …

algorithm complexity-theory time-complexity turing-machines space-complexity
What exactly does O(n) space complexity mean and how inefficient is it?

I have a high level understanding of what O(n) means in space. It means something along the lines of …

algorithm sorting data-structures time-complexity space-complexity