Top "Sp-send-dbmail" questions

`sp-send-dbmail` is a built-in stored procedure available in SQL Server since 2005, which allows one to send e-mails using the SQL service, for alerting a DBA when a problem is detected or limited reporting.

How to send email from SQL Server?

How can I send an email using T-SQL but email address is stored in a table? I want to loop …

sql sql-server tsql sp-send-dbmail
Convert a SQL query result table to an HTML table for email

I am running a SQL query that returns a table of results. I want to send the table in an …

html sql sp-send-dbmail
'profile name is not valid' error when executing the sp_send_dbmail command

I have a windows account with users group and trying to exec sp_send_dbmail but getting an error: profile …

sql-server sql-server-2008 sp-send-dbmail
sp_send_dbmail executed from job fails with query result attached as file

I have faced with the following issue: when trying to send email with results of query attached as file, using …

sql-server sql-server-2008 attachment sp-send-dbmail
How can I send plain text email (with line breaks) using sp_send_dbmail?

I have a SQL Server 2008 procedure that sends email via sp_send_dbmail. I'm using the following code: set @bodyText = ( …

sql-server sql-server-2008 emacs sp-send-dbmail
Stored procedure using SP_SEND_DBMAIL sending duplicate emails to all recipients

I have a stored procedure that is run every night which is supposed to send the results of a query …

sql sql-server email duplicates sp-send-dbmail
Why am I getting the following error when using database mail -> Procedure sysmail_verify_profile_sp, profile name is not valid?

I wrote a trigger to grab a certain row of records after a specific column change and store the records …

sql sql-server sp-send-dbmail
SQL sp_send_dbmail send email with attachment, pdf file got corrupted

I have a stored procedure to send email, which will be invoke when a record is inserted to a table. …

sql stored-procedures sp-send-dbmail
meaning of the values of sent_status on msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems

I am sending emails from SQL Server, and need to map the values of the sent_status column on the …

sql-server sp-send-dbmail
adding dynamic content within body of an email (database mail) with sp_send_dbmail

Is there a way I can add the time in the following query as the body of my email : EXEC …

sql-server tsql sql-server-2008-r2 sp-send-dbmail dbmail