Top "Soundplayer" questions

Media player in C#

Well I am making a media player in the C# using the System.Media.SoundPlayer class but there are too …

c# winforms soundplayer
Playing sounds on Console - C#

I'm writing a Console application on C# and I want to play a sound when I display texts continuously. This …

c# audio console console-application soundplayer
Play wav/mp3 from memory

I play mp3/wav from file to create a push effect. However on an Atom CPU based tablet PC, there …

c# .net winforms memory soundplayer
Playing wav file which has relative path inside project

I have some problems with relative paths and reproduction of wav files. I have this simple code which works perfectly: …

c# visual-studio-2012 wav relative-path soundplayer
How to know when SoundPlayer has finished playing a sound

I am using the following code to dynamically create a frequency tone in memory and play the tone asynchronously: public …

c# asynchronous soundplayer
SoundPlayer and playing a seamless succession of sounds

What I'm trying to do is play a looping wav, but with a specific loop start position like the samples …

c# soundplayer