Top "Sorteddictionary" questions

Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted on the key.

What's the difference between SortedList and SortedDictionary?

Is there any real practical difference between a SortedList<TKey,TValue> and a SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue>? …

c# .net generics sortedlist sorteddictionary
SortedList<>, SortedDictionary<> and Dictionary<>

I find that SortedList<TKey, TValue> SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> and Dictionary<TKey, TValue> implement …

c# generics dictionary sortedlist sorteddictionary
When to use a SortedList<TKey, TValue> over a SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>?

This may appear to be a duplicate of this question, which asks "What’s the difference between SortedList and SortedDictionary?" …

c# .net sortedlist sorteddictionary
Python 2.6 TreeMap/SortedDictionary?

Is there a built-in sorted dictionary implementation in Python 2.6, or are hashtables the only kind? Clarifications: I'm asking about sorted …

python dictionary python-2.6 treemap sorteddictionary
How to properly use SortedDictionary in c#?

I'm trying to do something very simple but it seems that I don't understand SortedDictionary. What I'm trying to do …

c# dictionary sorted sorteddictionary
when should I use a sorteddictionary instead of a dictionary

As I wrote in some of my last posts I am still quite new to the c# world so it …

c# dictionary benchmarking sorteddictionary
How to use custom IComparer for SortedDictionary?

I am having difficulties to use my custom IComparer for my SortedDictionary<>. The goal is to put email …

c# icomparer sorteddictionary
Get last element in a SortedDictionary

I see this question. How can I get the last element in a SortedDictionary in .Net 3.5.

c# collections sorteddictionary
convert a dict to sorted dict in python

I want to convert a dict into sorted dict in python data = pandas.read_csv('D:\myfile.csv') for colname, …

python pandas dataframe sorteddictionary
SortedList vs. SortedDictionary vs. Sort()

This is a continuation of questions like this one. Are there any guidelines for tweaking the performance? I don't mean …

.net performance sorting sortedlist sorteddictionary