Top "Snapkit" questions

A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & macOS.

Update SnapKit Constraint offset

I am using SnapKit and can't find a clean way to update the offset of a constraint. It's a simple …

ios swift constraints snapkit
how to make UIView with equal width and height with SnapKit in Swift?

I want to make a UIView rectangular with SnapKit in Swift, like this lazy var customView: UIView = { let view = UIView(…

ios swift autolayout snapkit
Constraint animation with SnapKit

I am trying to implement the animation of 2 views using SnapKit. Here is my Animation view: class MatchAnimation: UIView { let …

ios swift animation snapkit
How to update height Constraints by SnapKit and update cell height?

I have a TableViewCell and two button to switch different constrain. I want to update it's height constrain and cell …

ios swift uitableview tableview snapkit
Using SnapKit to Aspect Ratio and less size

I am trying to create the constraints of this layout in SnapKit but I have difficulty setting the maximum size (…

swift ios-autolayout snapkit
Modify constraint programatically using SnapKit in Swift 3 to remove one UIView

I'm modifying the constraint of UIView height consist of nameTextField and its superView inputContainerView using SnapKit. I arrange the height …

ios swift uiview snapkit