Top "Smsmanager" questions

Manages SMS operations in Android apps.

How to send a SMS using SMSmanager in Dual SIM mobile?

Am using SMS manager to send SMS.For single SIM its works perfectly to send the SMS.but in dual …

android sms smsmanager
How can I send sms messages in the BACKGROUND using Android?

I am coming from iphone development where you cannot send an SMS in the background without asking the user to …

android sms smsmanager
How to use two emulators at the same time in the same project in Android Studio?

I working in Android Studio and I need some help regarding the emulators. I want to start two emulators so …

java android android-studio android-emulator smsmanager
Option to send sms using Sim1 or Sim2 programmatically

I have an Android phone with 2 SIM card and I want to send sms using Sim1 or Sim2.By default …

android sms sim-card smsmanager
Delete SMS from android on 4.4.4 (Affected rows = 0(Zero), after deleted)

i want to send SMS from my android device and delete it from mydevice(Sent messages). SMS are saved in …

android smsmanager
Android sms manager not sending sms

Am new for android . I want send sms after click send button first i have used sms manager api. package …

android sms smsmanager
SmsMessage.createFromPdu is deprecated in android API level 23

I am trying to read received SMS using below code, it is working below API level 23, but in API level 23 …

android android-studio android-sdk-tools android-6.0-marshmallow smsmanager
java.lang.SecurityException: Sending SMS message: uid 10051 does not have android.permission.SEND_SMS

guys i have problem with sms manager about sms manifest i used `<uses-permission android:name="android.permisson.…

java android smsmanager
i want to send SMS from Android application using SMS manager

I have tried sending but the SMS is automatically sent without getting known. I want to send SMS with field …

android smsmanager
Android - how to make my app default sms app programatically

I am developing an sms blocking app. Which is working fine up to Jelly-Bean. And its not working from Kitkat …

java android broadcastreceiver android-manifest smsmanager