Top "Smarty3" questions

Smarty is a template engine for PHP.

How to parse/decode JSON object in smarty template?

I have the following code in my template file: {foreach from=$items item=entry} <pre> {$entry->nb_…

php smarty json smarty3
How to combine two string in Smarty?

Why doesn't this work in Smarty? {my_function($test.'a1')} It's showing following error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' …

php smarty echo smarty3
strip spaces from string using smarty

I am new to smarty. I want to know how to remove all white-space characters from a given string in …

php string smarty smarty3
Importing class without namespace to namespaced class

I have a some class, it include Smarty, but my class use namespace test, Smarty don't use namespaces. How include …

php namespaces smarty3
{if}{else} do not work properly in smarty

I have following smarty code on my template {capture name="diff"} {datediff timestamp=$data_base.updated_date} {/capture} {$smarty.capture.…

php smarty smarty3 smarty2
Remove extra HTML spaces in Smarty

We heavily use Smarty for all our front end templating. I have observed the following situation: When my Smarty template …

smarty smarty3
How to turn off html escape in Smarty

I am using html_checkboxes for generating select menu. The problem is that in the checkbox name I have some …

php smarty3
Smarty: get the current physical file path

In Smarty, is there a way to retrieve the current physical path of the template file? I'm looking for the …

php smarty smarty3