Top "Smartsvn" questions

SmartSVN is a commercial cross-platform graphical Subversion client developed by WANdisco.

Subversion commands to add new user and grant all permissions

Currently, I am not able to commit with the SVN user I added. I tried by manually editing the svnserve.…

svn commit command smartsvn
SVN- pristine text missing

Already frustrated...Trying to update/commit/cleanup Tortoise SVN but always getting the notification about pristine text missing. found some …

svn tortoisesvn smartsvn
How to set Author for SVN

How can i set the author in svn? i use smart svn?

svn author smartsvn
SVN - Not able to commit files (Can't create directory - no such file or directory)

I wanted to move our existing repository (from location A) to a new linux server (location B). So, I created …

svn commit smartsvn