Top "Smartcard" questions

A smartcard is a card with an embedded chip that may store cryptographic keys and/or perform cryptographic functions.

Accessing javax.smartcardio from Linux 64 bits

I'm trying to load the smartcard terminals using the javax.smartcardio API with the following code: public CardTerminal getReadyCardTerminal() throws …

java smartcard pcsc
Why is remote SmartCard not found when using RDP

I'm using Windows Server 2008 R2 which runs a VB6.0 application that uses a smartcard locally. I then connect to this …

vb6 remote-desktop smartcard
What is the purpose of Application Transaction Counter stored in EMV chip for ARQC generation?

In the EMV book 2: security and key management on page 151, it is stated that "The counter results in uniqueness to …

cryptography digital-signature smartcard emv replay
How to write smart card with pyscard

I'm using reader/writer acr38f and my smart card is SLE4418. How do I read and write text to …

python smartcard
Windows 7 interfering with smart cards

I have an application that uses the PC/SC API to communicate with smart cards. On Windows 7, I get strange …

windows-7 smartcard pcsc
Get Data APDU command different tags and response format

As you may know, Gloabal Platform Card Specification defines a command named Get Data to retrieve some information from the …

smartcard javacard globalplatform
Problems coding an APDU command to verify PIN

I'm trying to send a VERIFY (pin) command using javax.smartcardio API. My Pin code is 12345678. Based on some examples …

smartcard apdu
Smart Card Authentication with ASP.NET

What are the steps required to get smart-cards authentication working in Smart-card reader is installed and works properly … authentication smartcard
EMV Tag 91 Issuer Authentication Data - How to Determine Format of Tag in Response

If present, EMV Tag 91 Issuer Authentication Data can have several different formats when returned in a transaction response. From my (…

smartcard payment-processing emv
Is Apple Watch detected by an RFID reader?

I'm new to NFC technology. Apple hasn't yet opened NFC for developers. Does this mean that 3rd party application can't …

nfc smartcard apple-watch rfid