Top "Slickgrid" questions

SlickGrid is a specialized JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component optimized for high performance, even with many thousands of rows of underlying data.

JavaScript data grid for millions of rows

I need to present a large number of rows of data (ie. millions of rows) to the user in a …

javascript jquery html datagrid slickgrid
ag-grid vs slick-grid vs angular-grid which is better?

Recently we thought to change our current grid tool. Currently we're using kendo-ui for grid and all. After searching we …

angularjs kendo-grid angular-ui-grid slickgrid ag-grid
SlickGrid Vs JQGrid

I am trying to decide between slickgrid and jqgrid. I think both of them are feature-rich. Jqgrid has great documentation, …

jqgrid slickgrid
SlickGrid: Simple example of using DataView rather than raw data?

I'm working with SlickGrid, binding data directly to the grid from an Ajax call. It's working well at the moment, …

javascript jquery datagrid slickgrid
Simple jQuery SlickGrid JSON example or documentation

I'm looking for a simple example on how to use SlickGrid when trying to retrieve the data as JSon via …

jquery ajax json slickgrid
get data of selected rows in slickgrid

I have a slickgrid in which some rows are hidden by a filter (DataView). When I now call the getSelectedRows …

javascript slickgrid
How do I autosize the column in SlickGrid?

I want slickgrid to autosize the columns based on the widest content or header text - whichever is wider. In …

slickgrid autosize tablecolumn
Slickgrid, column with a drop down select list?

Hi I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to define a column in slickgrid as being a drop …

javascript jquery slickgrid tablecolumn
Calling sort on slickgrid

In the slickgrid I'm able to set the sort column and it's sort direction using the grid.SetSortColumn(colName,true/…

Possible to hide a SlickGrid column WITHOUT removing it from the "columns" array?

I'd like to hide a column (its an ID column that is unique for each row), but I cannot remove …

javascript slickgrid