Top "Size" questions

Size in computing can refer to various dimensions: size in bits, in bytes, in pixels, in memory, in disk space, etc.

Finding size of dynamically allocated array

Why is it not possible to get the length of a buffer allocated in this fashion. AType * pArr = new AType[…

c++ size new-operator dynamic-allocation
How to change size of a numberpicker Android

I'm trying to decrease the size of an Android numberpicker, but already tried several things and I could not. I …

java android size numberpicker
How do I find the natural size/dimensions of a Flash SWF file?

I've been given a Flash file (.swf extension) to put into a web page. Opening the file in my browser …

flash size aspect-ratio
Calculating diminishing size in perspective

I'm trying to figure out a formula on how to calculate the size of a distant object at a viewing …

language-agnostic size perspective
Do certain characters take more bytes than others?

I'm not very experienced with lower level things such as howmany bytes a character is. I tried finding out if …

size character-encoding character bandwidth delimiter
Specifying the maximum string length to scanf dynamically in C (like "%*s" in printf)

I can specify the maximum amount of characters for scanf to read to a buffer using this technique: char buffer[64]; /* …

c io size buffer scanf
Can I make Eclipse on Ubuntu look more compact?

Possible Duplicate: Gigantic Tabs in Eclipse on Ubuntu Back when I was using Eclipse on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I found that …

eclipse user-interface ubuntu size gtk3
Rsync checksum only for same size files

There's a bunch of threads regarding rsync checksum, but none seems addressing this need, which would be the most effective …

time size rsync checksum skip
ELF program header segments sizes and offsets

I am trying to understand the ELF format and right now there are some thing that I don't get about …

header size offset elf segment
TCP Congestion Window Size

I'm going through some revision and I've been stumped by a TCP question. Maybe someone can give me a quick …

tcp window size sliding-window congestion-control