Top "Sitecore7" questions

Sitecore is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on Microsoft ASP.

Get Item in all languages in which it has a version

Say we have an Item Product(which has versions in en, jp, zh and 0 versions in ru). How can I …

sitecore sitecore7
In sitecore get all child and grand child items using fast query

In sitecore i want to get all child and grand child which inherited form "Industrial Product template . Below are the …

sitecore sitecore7
Sitecore: Detect user in Page Editor mode

Can I know how to detect user is in page editor mode using code? This is because, I have a …

sitecore sitecore7 page-editor
Sitecore Lucene: content delivery server index not updating on publish

I created a custom search page using the default sitecore_web_index and everything seemed to work until I migrated …

lucene sitecore sitecore7
Sitecore redirect on errors

I know that I can extend Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ExecuteRequest and override methods like RedirectOnItemNotFound to redirect to my custom 404 …

error-handling sitecore sitecore7 sitecore7.2
Sitecore 7 and MVC 4 integration

What is the best way to integrate an MVC 4 solution into a Sitecore 7 instance when the solution is located outside … sitecore sitecore7
How to perform search for multiple terms in Sitecore 7 ContentSearch API?

I am exploring the new Sitecore.ContentSearch "LINQ to Sitecore" API in Sitecore 7. It is my understanding that Sitecore recommends …

sitecore sitecore7
Language embedding in Sitecore URL

we created multilingual website in FR, ES, EN from old classic asp website( which was also in 3 languages). In Old …

sitecore sitecore7