Top "Sitecore6" questions

Sitecore is a Web Content Management System built on Microsoft ASP.

How to disable language embedding in URLs in Sitecore?

After setting up a simple Sitecore site, links to pages sometimes contain the current language: …

url sitecore sitecore6
How to publish Sitecore items programatically that have been updated using the editor

I have been trying to publish items through code that have been changed in the Sitecore editor. If I update …

c# .net sitecore sitecore6
Sitecore has no necessary permissions for reading/creating counters

In the Sitecore (6.6 v130404) log file there are so many "Sitecore has no necessary permissions for reading/creating counters." records … sitecore sitecore6
Populate a Sitecore Droplist with static values

Can I populate a droplist in sitecore with a list of values by directly specifying them in the source field …

sitecore sitecore6
How to generate media item link with id instead of path in Sitecore

Anyone knows how to generate links in sitecore with ID instead of item path? If you use GetMediaUrl method from …

sitecore sitecore6 sitecore-media-library
Access sitecore settings programmatically (Sitecore 6)

Is there a way to get to sitecore settings through code. The specific setting I'm interested in is the data …

sitecore sitecore6
Export list of Sitecore items as Excel (or other formats)

I noticed that sitecore has the option of exporting users in an Excel format. I need to have similar functionality …

excel sitecore sitecore6
Create link to Sitecore Item

I know I have done this before but I can't seem to remember where or how. I want to create …

sitecore sitecore6
getting setting from web.config in sitecore

i want to get global setting from web.config file in sitecore solution, i write setting in config file and …

web-config sitecore sitecore6 sitecore-mvc sitecore8
LinkButton OnCommand or OnClick Not Firing

I'm trying to do something that seems to be fairly simple. I have a user control with several LinkButtons. Each …

c# sitecore sitecore6 isapi-rewrite