How to disable language embedding in URLs in Sitecore?

zzzzBov picture zzzzBov · Feb 15, 2013 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

After setting up a simple Sitecore site, links to pages sometimes contain the current language:

I would like to disable this behavior so that all links point to without the language as part of the path. How can this be done?


zzzzBov picture zzzzBov · Feb 15, 2013

The web.config has a configuration setting for <linkManager> where the languageEmbedding option can be configured:

<linkManager defaultProvider="sitecore">
        <add name="sitecore" ... languageEmbedding="asNeeded" ... />

The languageEmbedding options are:

  • asNeeded
  • always
  • never

Changing the config to use languageEmbedding="never" will stop the language from showing up in the URL, and likewise languageEmbedding="always" will force the language to always show up in the URL.