Top "Single-responsibility-principle" questions

For questions about the Single Responsibility Principle in object-oriented programming, one of the SOLID principles coined by Robert C. Martin.

What is an example of the Single Responsibility Principle?

Can someone give me an example of the Single Responsibility Principle? I am trying to understand what it means, in …

oop definition solid-principles single-responsibility-principle design-principles
Learning Single Responsibility Principle with C#

I am trying to learn the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) but it is being quite difficult as I am having …

c# solid-principles single-responsibility-principle
Rails Model to use API instead of Database

I'm refactoring a rails app that currently uses a database and ActiveRecord so that instead of of the database, it …

ruby-on-rails-3 api single-responsibility-principle
In SOLID, what is the distinction between SRP and ISP? (Single Responsibility Principle and Interface Segregation Principle)

How does the SOLID "Interface Segregation Principle" differ from "Single Responsibility Principle"? The Wikipedia entry for SOLID says that ISP …

oop design-patterns solid-principles single-responsibility-principle interface-segregation-principle
AWS Cognito IntitiateAuth: Missing required parameter UserName

When initializing an authentication to AWS Cognito, the API is rejecting my request: InvalidParameterException: Missing required parameter UserName status code: 400, …

amazon-web-services authentication aws-sdk amazon-cognito single-responsibility-principle