Top "Simplejson" questions

Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python.

ImportError: No module named json

While installing a c++ library I ran into a Python problem (and I do not know nothing about this language). …

python json simplejson
Editing Existing JSON in Python

I'm pulling in some JSON from a server in the given format: {"images": [{"rating": 5.0, "thumburl": "http://something.jpg", "description": "dfgd", "…

python simplejson
Writing a list to a file and reading the contents back into a list using simplejson

I would like to write a list to a file and read back the contents of the file into a …

python json simplejson
What is faster - Loading a pickled dictionary object or Loading a JSON file - to a dictionary?

What is faster: (A) 'Unpickling' (Loading) a pickled dictionary object, using pickle.load() or (B) Loading a JSON file to …

python json pickle simplejson
RestSharp Serialize JSON in camelCase

I am trying to post JSON in camelCase, and have followed the instructions here:…

json restsharp simplejson camelcasing
Why is 'import simplejson' failing in Python 2.7.3 code, but not in the interpreter?

There are two instances running uwgsi and nginx servers. Each hosts a Flask application. Both are running on a Python 2.7.3 …

python python-2.7 simplejson
Python JSON decoding

I'm having some trouble decoding this json in python. From basehttpserver I'm getting back [ { "changed_aspect": "media", "object": "geography", "object_…

python json simplejson
MongoDB Object Serialized as JSON

I'm attempting to send a JSON encoded MongoDB object back in my HTTP response. I've followed several other similar questions …

django mongodb pymongo simplejson
simplejson.dumps(dict) throws "not JSON serializable"

I have a Python dictionary where the keys are strings, and values are list of MyObject objects. If I execute …

python json dictionary serializable simplejson