I'm having some trouble decoding this json in python.
From basehttpserver I'm getting back
"changed_aspect": "media",
"object": "geography",
"object_id": "1306",
"subscription_id": 1326,
"time": 1300570688
which I'm putting into simplejsondecoder with
data = simplejson.loads(s)
but when I look at the length of data it's coming back with 1, not 5 for the json objects like I'm expecting.
Here's all of the code, incase the problem lies elsewhere.
class httpserver(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_POST(self):
self.data_string = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers['Content-Length']))
data = simplejson.loads(self.data_string)
print len(data)
When you decode the JSON you get exactly what it looks like, a list containing a single item.
should be the dictionary you expected to see.