Top "Simple-injector" questions

Simple Injector is an Dependency Injection library for Microsoft .NET, .NET Core, .NET Standard, Windows Phone, Windows Store Apps, and Mono.

Factory Interface in Simple Injector

I'm a Ninject user that try to learn Simple Injector One Ninject feture that I often use in my applications …

c# dependency-injection simple-injector
Simple Injector property injection on action filter

The action filter I want to inject into starts like this public class UserAuthorisation : AuthorizeAttribute { public IWcfClientProxy<IAppFrameworkServiceChannel> …

c# .net dependency-injection simple-injector
How to get OwinContext from Global.asax?

I am trying to set up my Dependency Injection and I am in the need of injecting a IAuthenticationManager from …

c# owin simple-injector
What is the correct way to register FluentValidation with SimpleInjector?

I am able to register FluentValidation AbstractValidators using a FluentValidatorFactory. However, it doesn't feel right, because not all of the …

dependency-injection fluentvalidation fluentvalidation-2.0 open-generics simple-injector
Serilog's ILogger injected using Log.ForContext<T>, where T is the consumer

Serilog allows creating a context-aware logger: Log.ForContext<T>() I would like to register Serilog with SimpleInjector in …

c# simple-injector serilog
Dependency Injection (using SimpleInjector) and OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider

New to Dependency Injection, so this is probably a simple matter, but i have tried and cant figure it out, …

c# dependency-injection simple-injector