Top "Sim900" questions

SMT module which can be embedded in the customer applications.

SIM900 error 601 when sending a second POST

Using SIM 900 : AT+HTTPINIT AT+HTTPPARA="CID",1 AT+HTTPPARA="URL","" AT+HTTPDATA=lengthofpostdata, 10000 sending data AT+HTTPACTION=1 …

http sim900
Interface NodeMCU (ESP8266) with GSM module

I'm a new user of NodeMCU and I would like to make it communicate with a GSM module like SIM900. …

gsm esp8266 nodemcu sim900
How can I read date and time data from RTC of sim900 module using arduino?

#include "SIM900.h" #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include "sms.h" SMSGSM sms; boolean started=false; int count = 0; void setup() { …

arduino sim900
Using Arduino GSM shield (with SIM900) to send sensor data to my website via packets

I would like to send LIVE sensor data (say every 1 hour) to my own web page. I'm using GSM/GPRS …

arduino sensors gsm sim900
SIM900 AT Commands response parsing

i am using sim900 gps/gprs module shield connected to an Arduino Uno, how will i be able to parse …

arduino sms at-command sim900
Sending AT commands to SIM900 whilst pppd is active

I have a Raspberry Pi with a SIM900 GSM add-on board connected. I have managed to establish a GPRS connection …

raspberry-pi gsm at-command pppd sim900
Raspberry Pi sim900 Default Internet Access

I have set up a ITEAD sim900 GSM module to interface with raspberry pi. I believe I have established a …

serial-port raspberry-pi ppp sim900
AT commands for sim900 to find sim card number

Which AT commands is used to find the sim card number for SIM900 modem? I have a sim card which …

at-command sim900