Top "Signed" questions

In computing, signedness is a property of data types representing numbers in computer programs.

Amazon AWS S3 signed URL via Wget

I am able to create an Amazon S3 signed URL for a bucket in my account from which I can …

amazon-s3 signed
convert ascii character to signed 8-bit integer python

This feels like it should be very simple, but I haven't been able to find an answer.. In a python …

python integer ascii signed
Assembly x86 registers signed or unsigned

I know this is a really simple question, but I couldn't find an answer to this. Are the registers in …

assembly x86 cpu-registers unsigned signed
Converting Signed Int to Unsigned String value in Java

To keep this short, I am getting a signed number, -25771 (in Java), that I need the unsigned String representation …

java binary unsigned signed representation
Can the Postgres data type NUMERIC store signed values?

In PostgreSQL, I would like to store signed values -999.9 - 9999.9. Can I use numeric(5.1) for this? Or what type …

postgresql types postgresql-9.1 signed
c printf signed float

What is the formatter to make sure that + or - signs are always shown in front of the float value …

c floating-point printf signed
~x + ~y == ~(x + y) is always false?

Does this code always evaluate to false? Both variables are two's complement signed ints. ~x + ~y == ~(x + y) I feel …

c bit-manipulation signed twos-complement
Why is std::ssize() introduced in C++20?

C++20 introduced the std::ssize() free function as below: template <class C> constexpr auto ssize(const C& …

c++ stl unsigned signed c++20