Top "Shutdown" questions

This refers to the process where the system state is systematically (and preferably gracefully) changed to the fully inactive state.

How do you cleanly abort a Delphi program?

I've got a program that's having some trouble during shutdown, raising exceptions that I can't trace back to their source. …

delphi shutdown abort
Send windows message to a Windows Service

Is there any tool to send (mimic) a windows message like 'WM_ENDSESSION' to a windows service? OR How can …

c# .net winapi windows-services shutdown
How to simulate Windows shutdown for debugging?

I have an issue with my application when Windows shuts down - my app isn't exiting nicely, resulting in the …

c# .net winforms shutdown
WPF application is not closing correctly

I am calling Application.Current.Shutdown() from a class that is bound to xaml windows with ObjectDataProvider, but the application …

wpf shutdown application-shutdown
how to detect Linux shutdown/reboot

I'm trying to detect shut down or reboot from Linux in my c program. I found that program can use …

c linux shutdown
How to properly shutdown java ExecutorService

I have a simple java ExecutorService that runs some task objects (implements Callable). ExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); List<CallableTask&…

java multithreading executorservice shutdown
halt and poweroff

What is the difference between Halt and Poweroff commands? I understand that both of them lead to shutdown of the …

linux shell shutdown
gRPC: What is the recommended way to shut down an asynchronous server in C++?

I have a gRPC server that hosts two asynchronous services ("Master" and "Worker"), and I would like to implement graceful …

c++ asynchronous server grpc shutdown
Jetty: Stopping programatically causes "1 threads could not be stopped"

I have an embedded Jetty 6.1.26 instance. I want to shut it down by HTTP GET sent to /shutdown. So I …

java jetty shutdown
Difference between Intent.ACTION_REBOOT and Intent.ACTION_SHUTDOWN

I am trying to receive (with BroadcastReceiver) the action of shutting down, booting and rebooting. I searched a lot, but …

android shutdown intentfilter reboot android-broadcast