Top "Shellcode" questions

A shellcode is a small piece of code used as the payload in the exploitation of a software vulnerability.

Why I do get "Cannot find bound of current function" when I overwrite the ret address of a vulnerable program?

I want to exploit a stack based buffer overflow for education purposes. There is a typical function called with a …

c stack buffer-overflow shellcode
Linux Shellcode "Hello, World!"

I have the following working NASM code: global _start section .text _start: mov eax, 0x4 mov ebx, 0x1 mov ecx, …

c linux assembly nasm shellcode
Shellcode in C program

In Demystifying the Execve Shellcode is explained a way to write an execve shellcode: #include<stdio.h> #include&…

c shellcode
Using buffer overflow to execute shell code

I've been learning computer security lately and come across a couple problems, and i'm having some trouble with this one …

c assembly buffer-overflow shellcode
C execve() parameters [spawn a shell example]

I have to fill the parameters for: int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]); If I …

c shellcode execve
Can't link object file using ld - Mac OS X

/********* exit.asm */ [SECTION .text] global _start _start: xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx mov al, 1 int 0x80 //**************************** First I used …

c assembly shellcode
Python windows reverse shell one liner

Can anyone help me on a Python reverse shell one-liner for Windows (has to be windows one-liner). I am trying …

python shellcode
How to get c code to execute hex machine code?

I want a simple C method to be able to run hex bytecode on a Linux 64 bit machine. Here's the …

c assembly x86 x86-64 shellcode
Shellcode for a simple stack overflow: Exploited program with shell terminates directly after execve("/bin/sh")

I played around with buffer overflows on Linux (amd64) and tried exploiting a simple program, but it failed. I disabled …

security assembly buffer-overflow shellcode
Simple buffer overflow and shellcode example

I've been trying to run Aleph One's example in order to get a BOF and open a shell. This is …

c security buffer-overflow shellcode