I'm looking for a way to handle arguments containing blank spaces that has to be parsed by shell getopts command.
while getopts ":a:i:o:e:v:u:" arg
echo "ARG is: $arg" >> /tmp/submit.log
case "$arg" in
a) arg1="$OPTARG" ;;
i) arg2="$OPTARG" ;;
o) arg3="$OPTARG" ;;
u) argn="$OPTARG" ;;
-) break ;;
\?) ;;
*) echo "unhandled option $arg" >> /tmp/submit.log ;;
?) echo $usage_string
exit 1 ;;
Now if -u has argument like "STRING WITH WHITE SPACE" than just the first part of the string is triggered and the while loop doesn't go to the end.
many thanks.
a trap for young players (ie me!)
beware a line like this:
main $@
what you really need is:
main "$@"
otherwise getopts
will mince up your options into little pieces