How to add a cron job entry using Chef recipe

cloudbud picture cloudbud · Nov 17, 2015 · Viewed 8.4k times · Source


I have a shell script that is creates tar file of logs. I have embeded the recipe in the cookbook.

The recipe looks like this :

cookbook_file "/var/" do
source ""
mode 0755

execute "create tar files of logs older than 1 day" do
command "sh /var/"

The execute resource is executing the recipe. I want to schedule this shell script in cron by making an entry in cronjob.

The crontab entry should be :

*/2 * * * * sh -x /var/  > /var/log/backup 2>&1

How can I add this entry in my recipe?


StephenKing picture StephenKing · Nov 17, 2015

Cron Jobs in Chef

Chef includes a resource for setting up Cron jobs - it's called cron.

cron 'test' do
  minute '*/2'
  command 'sh -x /var/  > /var/log/backup 2>&1'

But what is your ultimate goal? Log rotation?

Log Rotation with Chef and Logrotate

There is a tool for that, called logrotate and there is a Chef cookbook for that: logrotate.

This gives you a resource that allows to to specify, which logs you want to rotate and with what options:

logrotate_app 'test' do
  path      '/var/log/test/*.log'
  frequency 'daily'
  rotate    30

Just in case you want to implement such a thing ;-)